How to become a Javascript Ninja


For the past several days, I have been diligently working to enhance my JavaScript (JS) skills, immersing myself in a vast array of online articles. Despite the abundance of well-structured tutorials available on the web, I have observed that many fail to provide JS developers with a clear path to mastery, often leaving them to navigate the complexities on their own, merely scratching the surface.

I believe the key to achieving true proficiency lies in a balanced approach that combines both online resources and traditional book reading. The timeline for attaining expertise varies, as it is influenced by individual motivation, comprehension, and real-world programming experience.

Step 1: Begin with the Basics

  1. Origins
    • Start by reading the first three chapters of Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (3rd Edition) by Nicholas C. Zakas.
    • Refresh your foundational JS knowledge using a one-page cheat sheet.

Step 2: Dive Deeper

  1. Immersion
    • Explore the MDN guide. While initial comprehension may be challenging, persevere through it. Skip the new ES6 additions for now if you’re unfamiliar with them.
    • Complete the book Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, focusing particularly on the chapters about OOP design patterns and examples (Chapter 6). Take detailed notes.
    • Utilize Hola’s well-curated tutorials and best practices, progressing step by step to understand OOP practical implementation.
    • Read this article on Javascript.
    • Bookmark and thoroughly review each function, including details about DOM, BOM, and RegEx.

Step 3: Mastery

  1. Advanced Features
    • Revisit the MDN guide, now focusing on the ES6 additions.
    • While I don’t condone downloading unauthorized content, consider purchasing these books online:
      • Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript by David Herman
      • High Performance JavaScript: Build Faster Web Application Interfaces by Nicholas C. Zakas
      • Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by John Resig
      • JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov

I acknowledge that this process is demanding and requires countless hours of dedication. However, by persevering, you will become a proficient JavaScript developer. The sky’s the limit—go forth and apply your newfound knowledge to make the world a better place.

6 thoughts on “How to become a Javascript Ninja

  1. JavaScript Ninja. This path will not be easy and it will take a lot of time to dig-deep into JavaScript and understand how JavaScript works. So always stay focused and motivated. We will learn a lot in this journey. Just stay connected and follow this process with commitment.

  2. Shashank kamble

    Thanks a lot for sharing your inputs to become javascript Ninja.
    One point really clicks me that
    ” I need to have self motivation and real life programming experience to become Javascript ninja “

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